What is Low Sexual Desire
When the average person thinks about sexual problems, their mind jumps to early ejaculation treatment. While early ejaculation is one of the most common sexual challenges, it’s not the only one. Sometimes, the problem is not wanting to have sex as frequently as ‘normal’. In this case, ‘normal’ might be your own established levels of intercourse freq.
But ‘normal’ can also be misconstrued. You may have spoken to your friends, read magazine articles, or eavesdropped on exaggerated conversations, concluding that your sex drive is below par. Normal is relative, and the best person to tell you what normal or more importantly healthy, sexual levels are a certified doctor or a licensed sex therapist.
The downside is once someone is convinced that there’s something wrong with them sexually, it can be difficult to change their mind. And this lowered sexual esteem can affect their bedroom performance, leading to more sexual problems as the cycle perpetuates itself.
The main issue with reduced sexual desire isn’t the lack of sex itself. Often, it’s that their partner wants sex more frequently than they do. And despite stereotypes, it isn’t always the female partner that has a lower libido. Sometimes, the roles are reversed.
Two angles are explored when looking at low sexual desire. One, is the reduced sexual desire affecting the person’s quality of life? Two, is the disparity between their desire level and their partner’s desire level changing the relationship, and if so, how big is the effect of this disparity?
The main issue for low sexual interest might begin with the comparison. Are you judging your desire levels based on other people, or do you measure yourself against your track record? For women, sexual desire rises and falls at different times of the month. And age affects everyone’s libido in different ways.
Generally, the older we get, the less interest we have in sex, though some studies suggest that a woman’s sexual desire increases in her mid-thirties to early forties. As men age, they may start to worry about premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction solutions. If age and stress make it harder for them to maintain their erections, they may begin to lose interest altogether.
In such cases, the problem may not be a loss of sexual desire for male partners. Instead, it may be an increase in the sexual desire of the female partner, and this sudden shift may leave them both feeling that the man’s libido has lowered. One solution is to find out why the sexual disparity has arisen so that it can be tackled and resolved.
Couples may be unable to figure this out on their own, so it helps to call in a professional to explore and begin to correct low sexual desire in both partners. They can also perform a physical examination to see whether the issue is psychological, biological, or medical. This will help them find the right course of action.
For more information on low sexual desire, call us on 1800 10 10 90 for a consultation.