What is Premature Ejaculation?
The most important (usually the No.1) question related to sex, that every man ask is “how do I last longer in bed?” Or “how do I control early ejaculation.” This is the daunting question that looms over the male psyche. Today, Premature Ejaculation is not just a medical problem but also a social problem
Helpful options for Premature Ejaculation include sexual therapy, medications and psychotherapy. For many men, a combination of these works best.
Talk to our doctor if you ejaculate sooner than you and your partner wish during most sexual encounters. Although you may feel you should be able to fix the problem on your own, you may need premature ejaculation treatment to help you achieve and sustain a satisfying sex life.
Talk with one of our licensed Australian Registered Doctors, please fill in the online booking form. There is no obligation to enter into a premature ejaculation treatment program and it is your decision whether the consultation is performed over the phone call or face to face video contact .
Definition of premature ejaculation is when a man ejaculates sooner during sexual intercourse than he or his partner would like. Both psychological and biological factors can play a role in PE. Although many men feel embarrassed to talk about it, PE is a common and treatable condition.
Do I have Premature Ejaculation?
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Premature ejaculation (PE) is one of the more common sexual dysfunctions occurring in men around the world. Although it is a condition that generally affects men under 35, and is common among teens, it can strike at any age. PE can be either a lifelong condition, or it may come in bouts – or just for one period in your life. PE is deemed to be a problem if you or your partner believe that it is happening too often.
Symptoms of PE
Premature ejaculation is typified by being unable to control ejaculation within around 2 minutes of beginning intercourse. Ejaculation may even occur before intercourse begins. The definition isn’t set in stone – if you are finding yourself unable to control ejaculation until your partner is ready, then you might also be reaching out for help with this situation.
Premature ejaculation can be tough on both partners. It may create a range of mixed emotions and intimacy issues for the man affected as well as his partner. If issues like these arise from PE, then it is time to seek consultation.
Causes of PE
The main causes of premature ejaculation are psychological. These may be ongoing, stemming from ideas or practices to do with when you were younger (in the case of lifelong PE), or it may be short-term issues, in the case of acquired PE.
These short-term stressors can include:
Being in a new relationship (either over excitement, nervousness, etc.)
Stress (in work, in your relationship, money troubles, etc.)
A combination of cognitive therapy and medicine can help when addressing psychologically based PE.
There are also physical causes of PE which can be from conditions like diabetes, hypothyroidism, and multiple sclerosis, which is better treated with medicine alone – and possibly reassessing your current medicinal treatments for your situation.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Premature Ejaculation
If you have concern surrounding your ejaculatory response, then it is important to correctly assess whether there is an underlying issue that can lead to improved results in the bedroom. In diagnosing the problem, it’s not something that you need to be overly concerned about discussing with your health professional. Like visiting your GP, all you need to do is be open and honest with your responses, and they will be able to give you their best opinion.
Self diagnosis
Before consulting with our doctor, you might consider doing a bit of self-diagnosis. You can ask yourself questions like:
Do I ejaculate too quickly during most of my sexual encounters?
Will my partner fail to achieve orgasm during most of our sexual encounters?
Is my PE causing uncomfortable feelings for either my partner or me?
Has my PE started out of seemingly nowhere?
Have I always been like this?
If the answer to most of these questions is yes, then it is time to check in with our doctor.
Professional diagnosis
Professional diagnosis of PE will occur in a doctor’s or specialist’s office. However, some diagnosis may be done over the phone. Our doctor will:
Ask some questions about your general health, medication use, life, and sex life
He may need you to have a checkup, taking blood pressure, etc.
Organise to Run blood tests checking hormone levels, etc.
Treatment of PE
The treatment that is recommended to you will depend on the underlying cause of your premature ejaculation. Since PE can be due to both psychological and/or physical reasons, these will need to be addressed.
Your treatment may include things like:
Practicing different sexual behaviours, such as masturbating before intercourse
Using thicker condoms to delay response
Practicing Kegel exercises
Counselling to help process underlying thoughts

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Things you can do
Avoid Premature Ejaculation
How can you avoid Premature Ejaculation? Here’s what you can do.
Premature ejaculation is typified by being unable to control ejaculation within around 2 minutes of beginning intercourse. Ejaculation may even occur before intercourse begins.
Premature ejaculation (PE) is one of the more common sexual dysfunctions occurring in men around the world. Although it is a condition that generally affects men under 35, and is common among teens, it can strike at any age. PE can be either a lifelong condition, or it may come in bouts – or just for one period in your life. PE is deemed to be a problem if you or your partner believe that it is happening too often.
Rapid ejaculation and early ejaculation are other names for premature ejaculation.
Premature ejaculation means ejaculating either before or very shortly after insertion during intercourse, whereas erectile dysfunction refers to not being able to gain or maintain an erection.
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